Man, I had a great time this last Saturday. It was the next round of the ITSA trials series, held at LEOR in Marion IL. It was also the last round of the Midwest AHRMA series, which just means that there were that many more fine riders and friendly faces around. I was proud of the crew for their collective performance. The Guru, Peewee, Cpt Dick, Bruce, Mike, Nub, and Malcolm all placing in the money (so to speak). Tony and the gang from Midwest treated everyone to a banquet after the event, with some cool awards, door prizes, and great food. Between riding and eating, I wandered over to where the Captain, Malcolm and some others were holding court around a fire built in a big truck wheel. It wasn't long before Malcolm brought out his Big Baby Taylor guitar and proceeded to entertain us for an hour or so. It was great. I'd managed to miss all other previous occasions when Peewee, Malcolm and others joined voices to serenade the stars and each other, so I found it a real treat. The bearded wonder has some Mad Skills as a picker and singer, and also as a songwriter. If you ever get a chance to hear is original "Ballad of Ernest T", you'll be so excided you'll likely throw a brick through a winder! Too Cool.
Word! What a good time, and you're right, the Big Baby Taylor is the bomb!
Congrats on your win on Saturday Pap.
Sing around the camp fire , Join the camp fire girls.
To much fun.
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