Friday, August 25, 2006

We'll leave in a Minute!!

Milestone at our place last Wednesday, the boy packed all (or, rather some) of his stuff and migrated west. Yes sir, ready to give it "that old college try". His sister is in from college for a few days and so we made it a whole family thing. She flies back to Florida Sunday, then I guess the nest will be officially empty. Kinda tough on an old man, I'll tell ya. The boy's just a couple hours away, but I suspect his laundry will have to get pretty rank before we get him back to the farm. Maybe he'll get hungry once in a while, or want to visit the dog or something. Heck, he may want to come back occasionally just to see if he's grown enough to make another mark on the wall by the refrigerator. Me, I think I'm shrinking, or it could just be that the world's getting bigger. Time (like kids) march on.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Day at the ranch

Along about the last weekend in May, I joined some of my ITSA brethren for a day of riding over at the Guru's ranch. I got a couple of shots of the continuing effort at the mastering of the dreaded creek/log section that seems to plague a lot of us. Here's old Nubbie breathing easy on the flat transition area between the logs (urged on by the ignominious Skatetruck), and the other has Old Mennonite Mike showing off his new exhaust system in the same area. I never seem to ride well around these guys, but still have the best time. What's up with that? Maybe it speaks to my ability (or inability) as a rider, that I can't do very well if I'm distracted by enjoyment. Or maybe it's that when I'm with these guys, there doesn't seem to be that constant blanket of competitiveness that I feel in other environments. Or maybe it's just the beer. Whatever, I'd do it everyday if I could.