Dang, I hate February. This month has been a historically hard one for me. Why? Well to begin with it’s still cold. I’m old and so I hate the cold. Then the days are too short. I leave for work in the dark and I come home in the dark (or is it the other way around?). What else? Oh yeah; February is obnoxiously undependable. I mean, it’ll go 2 or 3 years making me suffer for 28 days and then “BAM” it’s a whole day longer. I hate that about this month! There’s no trials events to ride in, the fish won’t bite and duck hunting season is over.
Oh well, soon it’ll be spring, followed shortly by summer. Gone will be the memory of sunlight depredation and frostbite. The days will be long and the world will smell like fresh-cut grass. Cutting grass….man, that’s a hot job. Come July, the grass will grow so fast that you got to cut it twice a week. Course the days are longer, so I’ll have a couple of hours every evening to go at it, after getting home from work. Whew, that makes for a long day…….Dang, I hate July
Yeah, I am sick of winter by about this time of the year. Cabin fever!
And you're right, frostbite or grass cutting.
Wow, I didn't your lake was that big.....
I can't wait till we can all get together.
Your lake is a little bigger than I thought it would be.....
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