There’s a restaurant in Gulfport Florida (outside Tampa) called Yummies. A short while back Leslie and Scott were paying up after a meal when they noticed a signed photo of John Prine hanging there by the cash register. Scott comments to the manager of the place that his father-in-law is a huge fan, about the campfire singing, and how I love that “In Spite of Ourselves” song. The guy replies that Prine has a place nearby and stops in to eat from time to time. He goes on to say what a nice guy Prine is and if Leslie will give him their address, he’ll get Prine to sign something for old Pap. A month or so later, this picture shows up in her mail box and she sends it to me for my birthday. How cool is that? If you don’t know the song, you owe it to yourself to check it out on youtube.
Thats pretty sweet right there. That girl knows how to punch ol Dads button.
Happy Birthday again Jessco.
Sorry I missed the birthday but that may be one of the coolest birthday presents ever. rock on.
Thanks guys
Happy Belated Birthday Jesco.
And, what a great present that is!
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