Fishing has been pretty good around here, at least for those that have time to go. I find I'm wasting way too much time at work. On the other hand, the boy is not as encumbered. He's spending a lot of time on the river and has reported some impressive catches. The photo above is from a couple of weeks ago and I asked him why he didn't bring it home for the old man to eat. He looked at me kind of funny and said it’d be like eating your Labrador Retriever. Hell, I was just kidding anyway and I'm not that hungry. Reminds me of the story of the guy up in Alaska who got caught by the game warden, hunting loons. The rabbit sheriff asks him why he was shooting birds that had endangered status and were supposed to be protected. The guy explained that he and his family were just plain hungry and the loons were the only game he could find at this time in his part of the frozen north. The warden thought about it for a minute or two, and then decided that he couldn't bring himself to prosecute the guy. He told him this, but said he should refrain from any further loon extermination. The guy was happy to be out of trouble and not looking at jail time or a fine and thanked the lawman. As he was about to return to his warm truck and drive away, the game warden turned to the guy and said he was curious, just what does loon taste like, anyway? The guy thought about it and finally replied, "Ah,'bout like Bald Eagle"
Hungry is hungry, I guess. It was a nice fish at 7.2lbs, but would probally taste like Catfish.
Jeez what a fish! Good job Clay!
p.s. what did ya' catch him on? Not that it would help my old ass.....
I asked him that and he replied, "On the river". I aske dhim where on the river and he said, "in the side of his jaw".
He gets that smart-ass thing from his momma.
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