Monday, February 09, 2009


Me and Mennonite Mike have been talking about the American Supercamp for some time. Supercamp is a dirt track racing-type school that moves about the country and hit Du Quion IL this past weekend. Long story short, we decided we’d likely not have a better chance, so we went for it. What ensued was two days of unmercifully hammering on some Yamaha TTR 125s, as well a good deal of the same on a couple of middle-aged bodies. Was it worth the pain and expense? Well, hell yes it was! We had a blast and I recommend it to anyone who ever wanted a little taste of that sort of motorcycling. The clip here was taken with my little digital camera. Poor quality and at that, some that doesn’t include us (we were always up at the same time). Still, it’s slice of the experience.


Brad said...

Looks like fun!

cpt. Dick said...

I bet that would be fun on a gokart. Looks fun on a bike to.

Engraver said...

Living the dream!