Believe it or not, the current drought has not had a negative effect on my little garden. It’s amazing, but dust hasn’t been a big problem either. HA
Actually (as anyone living in this part of the world knows) there’s hardly been a day in the last six weeks that it hasn’t rained. I guess I was lucky to get the garden planted at all and in fact, did so after dark in one long marathon session, wearing a head lamp. Until Saturday evening, I haven’t been able to get back into it because my hip waders have a hole in them just above the knee. I did manage to get the tomatoes staked and the ground dressed a little between the squash and peppers before it rained for another 12 hours. I guess I’ll be wishing for return of the rain before long, but right now? I’m sick of it.
Man, I can just hear the Captain droolin' now over that tomato juice.
Got any okra out there for YOU to pickle? Huh?
Hell Ya..Don't forget the Vodka plants..
I'VE still got MY receipe for the pickled okra like I fixed before.
You just take okra, stick it in a jar and then add the....well, pickling-type stuff, then put th e lid on real tight. Then you take it out and eat it. Nothing to it.
"did so after dark in one long marathon session, wearing a head lamp." Sorry I missed THAT photo op. Barney say hi to the riff raff. I see you're all here so I'll just say it once. Extra nice garden.
Susan, I'm goin' hook you up with a pile of fresh vegetables as soon as they come in. That's a promise
Hey, I'll be glad to be the middle-man for the delivery for the produce to the pitcherlady.
No, seriously.
Hopefully there'll be some pickled okra that I can pilfer during the delivery.........
Thanks. Do not let that Pee Wee person get near my pile of fresh vegetables. please.
p.s. Have left you an award over at Carny Dog. Enjoy.
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