Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Catch Me If You Can Charlie

Here's a photo that came from the Trials Event at Fearless Charlie Nash's place a couple weeks ago. On Friday me and Charlie took turns (he took a few more than I did) running along behind his Grandson Jesse as he booked it around the farm on his new Electric motorcycle. He needed a little help keeping it upright, but he was doing his best to master the thing. It wouldn't take long; by the next day he was flying solo, even picking himself up on the few occasions he landed on his ear. My hat's off to the little guy, as well as to his old grandpap for putting little Jesse on a path that'll become one of the greatest parts of his life. Love you Charlie

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Thirty-five years ago at about 4:30 in the afternoon, I went down to the little league ball park to coach a group of 10 year olds in a mid-season baseball game. It wasn’t my first and it sure wasn’t my last, but it was a little unusual due to the fact that I’d gotten married earlier in the day. Yes Tammy and I had just enough time to leave the church, go home and change clothes, before heading out to the game. It wasn’t a great honeymoon and certainly a lot less than she deserved, but she was a good sport about it. Like a lot of young couples we didn’t have a lot of money, so a trip to Hawaii wasn’t in the cards anyway. Through the years, we’ve done a lot of things like that and while it doesn’t sound real romantic, it did make for a great story.

I’ve got a pile of great stories; that’s one of the many benefits of having so many years with one special person. Happy anniversary honey and thanks for staying in the game with me so long. You’re the All-Star on our team.

Coming Home

My little girl has been out of the country for a year now, but in two weeks she's coming home. She’s and her husband are actually moving to Nashville and while that’s not all the way to Humphreys County, it’s closer than I ever thought she’d get. The photo is their new place in West Nashville and it may not be the Belle Meade Mansion, but it’s a pretty sure bet that all her neighbors will be talking English. Auf Wiedersehen Deutschland, your loss is our gain..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Swine Time

We’ve got a new addition to the neighborhood. This is Cinderella and no, she isn’t the world’s ugliest Blue Healer puppy. She is in fact a wayward potbellied pig, who roams at will over an area the size of a small town. She was raised on a farm about a mile away (as the crow flies) and stayed close to it for the first couple of years of her life. Apparently she woke up one day and found herself wondering what lay over the horizon (the horizon being pretty low for something with her stature) and she just took off. I saw her the first time around the house a few weeks ago and watched as she meandered through, ignoring the barking dogs and disappearing into the Wildlife Refuge that lies in front of our place.

I would have bet anything that would be the last anyone ever saw of her, what with all the coyotes and miles of real estate to get lost in. But no, she was spotted a couple days later back near her own home. I guess she hadn’t completely “flown the coup” after all. These days, her circle keeps getting wider and wider. She’s popped up in so many places that everyone in this part of the county has seen her.

I don’t know, but she looks lonely to me; I wish she could find some nice young male pig that would treat her right and not “Boar” her to death. It could happen, right?